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Disaster recovery plan template
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Documentation Template on Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP)

The Documentation Template may be used for:

  3. Template documentation includes examples of configurations, Checklists and Guidelines for implementation.

Background information regarding the Documentation Template
It is a known fact that the implementation of a DISASTER RECOVERY PLAN is an expensive and timeous project, although it is crucial for any business to implement effective Disaster Recovery Planning/Procedures to prevent the loss of important computer system data and to survive minor to major disasters.

Imperative Technology specialises in Disaster Recovery Planning and the recovery of lost data. Therefore our extensive experience is based on exposure to many different data loss situations.

With our involvement on implementing DRP for many organisations from small to large corporate companies, we've learnt that DRP requirements differ vastly from company to company. To make DRP implementation more affordable to companies, we've designed a DRP DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE that enables companies to simply adjust the contents of the documentation template to suit their specific requirements.

We estimate the savings on just the pre-planning phase of DRP to at least R30,000.00 of which all the planning is included in this document. Even companies with existing DRP processes in place, this template will assist you to determine the possible lack of further information.

The documentation template is designed in standard MSWORD format and is based on the methodology that your entire network may be rebuilt from a single document in the event of minor to major disasters. At the time of a disaster it may be possible that the person whom originally installed/configured the network is no longer available to rebuild the network, therefore it is critical that the network is rebuilt from a single document. This will ensure that any qualified IT engineer is able to rebuild the network because of effective network documentation with all network components properly documented.

With our experience in DRP, we've come across many existing Disaster Recovery Plans that do not include effective Network Documentation. As the network documentation project is crucial and is the foundation of any effective Disaster Recovery Plan. No DRP process can be complete without effective network documentation, as most companies cannot survive without computer systems and DATA.

To summarise the content of our DRP Documentation Template, we focus on following:

  1. On the IT infrastructure only.
  2. A DRP Checklist on pre-planning the Project.
  3. The effective documentation of every component on the Computer Network System.
  4. The minimum DRP requirements, to prevent the loss of critical data.
  5. The minimum DRP requirements and steps to rebuild the network on failed components in the shortest possible time to avoid unnecessary downtime and loss of productivity/profits.
  6. Guidelines to implement a Company Disaster Recovery Plan, which includes Vulnerability Assessments, Business Impact Analysis etc.

The cost of the DRP documentation template amounts to R6 700,00 excl. VAT

Follow this link for a detailed Table of Contents on the DRP Template.

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